Vetplanet is here to ethically handle all your Pet’s Veterinary needs during your stay at the Pearl of Africa and there after handle the entire process of International Pet Relocation.
Acute diarrhea can be caused by several factors and most of the time, diarrheas are secondary to:
– An environmentally resistant infectious agent excreted by another animal and ingested by your pet (viruses like Parvovirus, coronavirus, parasites: giardia, coccidia; or bacterias: salmonella, E. Coli)
This symptom can be a scary one, and with good reason—it is usually a sign of a significant problem with your dog’s health. If your pet is coughing up blood excessively, don’t wait to get him proper medical treatment.
Canine distemper disease is seen in dogs, fox, wolf, raccoon dogs, ferret, mink, skunk, wolverine, marten, badger, otter, Procyonidae, Viveridae, Ailuridae (red panda), Ursidae (bear), Elephantidae (Asian elephant), primates (Japanese monkey), etc…
Cat Panting: Causes and When it’s an Emergency Have you ever seen your cat panting? Panting is not a common behavior in most cats, so when it does happen, it can be very alarming to cat owners. Sometimes, there’s very little to be worried about when your cat pants, but other times, it can be […]
What should I do if my dog has ticks? If you have found a tick in your dog’s armpits, under the tail, or behind the ears, you need to carefully remove it. Check the most favorite parts of your pet for ticks to hide, however, they can spread everywhere on your pet’s body. Special tick […]